On November 3rd 2022, I received an official notification from the office ofThe Ministry of Education, Culture…
I hope you are well. Nowadays, the form of academic and technical meetings have changed d…
The IDW Kobayashi-Uchiike-Mikoshiba Prize
On December 11th ,2019 ,The following three significant persons received The IDW Prize: The Kobayashi-Uchiike-…
New book is published
A two volume set of book : High Quality Liquid Crystal Displays and Smart Devices Edited by Shoichi Ishihara,S…
the 25th IDW( International Display Workshops) 2018 on December 12,2018 at Nagoya Congress Center
A photo of the opening ceremony of the 25th IDW( International Display Workshops) 2018 on December 12,2018 at …
Recent article is published online
Recent article is published online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2018.01.067
Slottow-Owaki Prize
Dr. Kobayashi got “Slottow-Owaki Prize”. SID 2016 Award Winners
Dr. Kobayashi is still active in his research work and he is preparing some new publications. Occupation Profe…
Professional Awards and other Professional Society Affiliations and Grade of Membership
1. SID Fellow Award 1987. 2. SID President Citation Award 1992 (For the service as the first Regional Vice Pre…
Description of most significant achievements which qualifies the nomination for the award
1. Dr. Kobayashi wrote a book titled “Liquid Crystals-Their properties and applications” (In Japanese) Nikkan …